Pattern The Summit Launched

Venue: Grand Hyatt, Goa
Date: 28th, 29th, 30th April 19'
By-Invite Only Summit

Fraternity from Gujarat

G40 Q15: Mind + Material
Strengthening the Bond of Creativity & Creative Elements

With the first regional attention of Gujarat, Pattern The Summit is launched as a unique regional architectural initiatives meant to bring creativity (Architects & Interior Designers) and creative elements (Unique Products/Materials) together month-on-month, region-over-region, addressing depths of whole nation. The summit saw an effort to create 3 days exquisite gala experience to accommodate fraternity bonding, celebrations of work, joy, aspirations, and knowledge at a destination.

The Summit was officially launched by Yogesh S Rao, MD, Prowess Productions and the Organiser, Pattern The Summit. He was flanked by Dimple S Rao, CEO, My C-Level Executive, and Geeta S Rao, Director, Prowess Productions amidst supports of Divyang S Rao from Rao Travel Services. The force behind the group's foundation Mr. SK Rao and Mrs. JS Rao graced the occassion by lighting the lamp and opening the summit officially to the nation.

The Summit Organisers, S K Rao Group of Companies, are thankful to Mr. Christopher W Laack, USA, who specially flew down to India to grace the occassion and speak on "Global Convergence". The summit team is thankful to Mr. Gautam Patel, Mr. Pradip Sheth, Mr. Nitesh Shah, and Mr. Jayesh Hariyani for being their council of hand-holders and also for gracing the entire summit occasion. The Summit also thanks hand holders Mr. Chiranjiv Patel and Mr. Anand Tatu, who couldn't be present during the summit dates in April19'.

40 genius architects of each practicing organization set to meet senior leaders of 15 unique product companies, one-on-one as G40 Q15 | MIND + MATERIAL | Setting New Language of MODERN ARCHITECTURE IN INDIA. They were the principals/captains of industry at helm currently in architecture & design practices. By way of one-on-one talks, the summit tried to understand bond of creativity & creative elements that should become trigger point for peak works. The rolling summits across regions, going forward, have larger agendas of addressing architectural roadblocks in long-term, giving importance to human factors and challenges. We are hoping to raise bar of Indian practices in national and international arena, in small little ways.

During the summit, we addressed whole spectrum of voices from experienced industry veterans from Gujarat to national and international icons to rising stars. They presented their unique patterns of excellence, the ones that have a peak (a summit) experience. Sharing of such learnings under easy atmosphere bears revitalizing effects. Through these presenting voices, we staged ground-level challenges, progressive learnings, and need of human bonds.

"India: Past, Present, Future" by Guest-of-Honour, SAM PITRODA: Inventor and one of earliest pioneer of hand-held computing. Board Member, Institute of Design Chicago & WWW Foundation.
"Strengthening Bond of Creativity & Creative Elements" Opening Remarks by Dimple S Rao, Founder, My C-Level Executive and Organizer Pattern The Summit
Gautam Pate, MD Emcer Tiles Ltd. He's the all time believer of Pattern The Summit Values. On Dias for a few words.
Bringing Perspective “Pattern in Transition” India Vs Globe by Jayesh Hariyani, Senior Principal INI Design Studio and Founding Member, USGBC, IGBC
"Down the Memory Lane" by Miki Desai, Documenter, Writer, Researcher, and Academic. Had EarthWatch grant, a Fulbright Fellowship, the Graham Grant and the Getty Collaborative Grant.
"Redefining Language of Architecture" by Yashawant Mistry, aged 80 with 56 years in architecture. Contemporary to generation that gifted modern architecture to India
Panel Discussion" "Architect in Architecture: Looking for Context & Sustainability". Panel Members: Nimit Kamdar, Ashish Amin, Madhavi Desai, Jayesh Hariyani, Sanjeev Joshi, Tapan Shah Moderator: Pradip Sheth
Pattern The Summit & Mr. Yashawant Mistry Thank Sam Pitroda for gracing the occassion. Sam energised the entire summit leadership with his power talk
"Global Convergence" by Christopher W Laack, our International Architect with close to 3 decades of experience across work in more than 15 countries
Organizers Yogesh, Geeta, & Dimple Rao thank Pattern The Summit presenting sponsor Emcer Tiles Ltd
"Footprints on the Sands of Time" by Yatin Pandya, Activist, Author, Academician, Researcher, & Principal FOOTPRINTS E.A.R.T.H,
"Challenges" by Kirtee Shah, Founder President INHAF. Chairman & Chief Architect, KSA Design Planning Services. In search of content and social relevance for past 45 yrs in profession
"Framing a Window" by Naksha Satish, a rising star and graduate from School of Architecture, CEPT University. Aspirant of Masters from GSD, Harvard University
Open House, Q&A, and Discussions. Entire G40 Q15. MIND+MATERIAL

As part of G40 pack, the principals of architect / interior design firms met senior leaders of products one-on-on; more so to help us identify what was it that Indian “architect creativity” looked to make great “creative elements” happen over time. Being at the summit was also about being part of the fraternity meet that simply REJOICED “being”- accommodated existence and co-existence while playing roles one needed to play. It’s about playing various roles in time and space. G40 are our leaders who are leading from the front making our summit a true leadership summit.

Many of the G40 Q15 leaders at Pattern The Summit, like Bindu Hariyani, Nimit Kamdar, Sanjay Punjabi, Nikunj Patel, Ankur Desai, Sanjeev Joshi, Ashish Amin were playing various roles in backseat too when they all knew they could remain in front. To just listen, appreciate, and celebrate fraternity of professionals with voices, learnings, experiences, and great practices. Inset: Bindu Hariyani, The Audience, The Architect, The Fraternity and above all, Gujarat's Woman Architect Leader!

By Invite Only G40 Q15 Mind + Material

Glimpses: 28th-29th-30th Apr 19', Grand Hyatt, Goa